Easy to Maintain Water Features

Pond Waterfall

Having a backyard pond is great. They offer a nice visual to any outdoor living area as well as soothing background noise. But some water features are easier to maintain than others. If you want the perks of having a pretty backyard pond without the hassle of keeping up with a more elaborate water feature, these are some ideal solutions.

Pond Waterfall: The great thing about a pond waterfall is that it can stand on its own or contribute to a pond. Waterfalls can bubble right out of decorative rocks or out of a weir that you install in your water garden. They are easy to install and require very little maintenance. If you are looking for the soothing sounds of a waterfall but less maintenance, try a disappearing waterfall. With this water feature, water is collected in a waterfall basin at the bottom of the waterfall. Then a submersible waterfall pump that is inside the basin’s waterfall well circulates the water back to the top of the waterfall.

Water Features: Add an Aquascape column or urn to any garden for a nice added water feature without the work of building a pond. Planter fountains can come out of anything from a whiskey barrel to a copper kettle to a cauldron to really improve an outdoor space while requiring little time or effort. There’s no easier way to add excitement to your pond than with water feature supplies like these.

Ready to take a bigger step?

Easy Fish Pond Kit: Maintaining a pond with fish will require significantly more effort than a free-standing water feature, but with the right kit, getting a fish pond up and running doesn’t have to be too much of a challenge. Happy Koi Pond Kits are all-inclusive, making pond assembly and care easy. Fish pond kits include a pond skimmer, waterfall filter, magnetic-drive koi pond pump, EPDM koi pond liner, liner underlay, spiral tubing, check valve discharge kit, water conditioner, bacteria, waterfall foam and written installation instructions. Everything you need to have a delightful fish-filled pond!

Whether you want the lowest level of maintenance of a disappearing waterfall or something a little more advanced like koi fish, adding a water feature to your yard will make it a more fun and interesting place to spend time. Start small and before you know it, you’ll have a top notch water garden!